Press Releases 2016


ABO Wind raises profit forecast for 2016

The ABO Wind managing board has raised its 2016 annual results forecast to over EUR 10 million. Read more >

Ospreys, Swamp Soccer and Reindeers

GPS tracking of ospreys, recording reindeer movements and the Swamp Soccer World Cup. Wind farm development in Finland is special. Read more >

ABO Wind sells wind energy projects in Argentina

After ten years of business activities in Argentina, ABO Wind has for the first time sold two ready-to-build wind farms with a capacity of 50 megawatts each. Read more >

ABO Wind increases earnings by 50 percent in its anniversary year

This year has so far been the most successful one in ABO Wind’s 20 year-long history: the ABO Wind group has generated a net profit of EUR 7.8 million and managed to increase last year’s earnings (EUR 5.3 million) by nearly 50 percent. Read more >

ABO Wind focuses on new countries

ABO Wind is successfully expanding business activities in new countries. Currently, Iran offers the most promising perspectives. Read more >


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Alexander Koffka

Alexander Koffka

Tel. +49 611 267 65-515
Fax +49 611 267 65-599

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